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Only 8 days - New record for Trump

Trump is a success. He just won a new record. Congratulations. Never in the history of the US Presidency did a President win an over 50 percent disapproval rating with the people, he's supposed and promised to serve, in only 8 days. It took Bill Clinton (previous record holder) over a year and a half (exactly 573 days) to draw the ire of the public. Way to go Chief, all hail the Chief. Gallup tracks the approval/disapproval rating daily and asks around 1,500 Americans to get the numbers. The list below shows the days it took the respective Presidents to fall out of favor with the American public. Quite interesting that Obama lasted longer in the goodwill of the people than Reagan and actually finished his term with an approval rating of around 60 percent (57-62 $ according to the different pollsters.) Trump: 8 Clinton: 573 Reagan: 727 Obama: 936 Bush II: 1205 Bush I: 1336 Sources: Gallup Polls

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