America's Right Rising - Spirits That I've Cited...
"Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory" that's how alt-right leader and CEO of the National Policy Institute, Richard B. Spencer addressed his right-wing, Nazi brethren on Saturday at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington, DC. And the people break out in applause and the Nazi salute. The video, shot by journalists from "The Atlantic" and now published on youtube, speaks volumes. The establishment Nazis in Khakis with the better haircuts are taking over. It seems finally feasible under the age of "Trump Elect" to come out of the closet and spread brown propaganda.
Well it's not just Spencer, it's the whole alt-right scene who thinks that with the move-in by Breitbart Steve Bannon into a bedroom in the White House - so he can cosy up to the new "leader" of the free world - they all got a free pass to "party like it's 1933" (Spencer's words).
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) - a monitoring group of anti-equality extremists - activities on right wing internet platforms have drastically increased. After being presumed dead some months ago, Stormfront is back and kicking it up again, even though they are not the leading Neo-Nazi platform anymore. That now goes to Andrew Anglin's "Daily Stormer" and to some intent the more subtle "Breitbart." At least "Breitbart" doesn't deny the Holocaust, being the most moderate of the right-wing fascist internet platforms, still anti-semitic, anti-gender equality and anti-diversity. The three screen shots below show the rise of the sites mentioned this past year.
Trump's campaign was brilliantly run in the background by his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner (his wife Ivanka converted to Judaism.) by micro-targeting potential voter groups in the swing state via Social Media. To create a populist movement is one thing, but to open Pandora's box of hatred and racism a whole other world. (A must read is Steven Bertoni's article in Forbes magazine "How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House.") With other prominent Jewish people like Jeff Ballabon and roughly 30 percent of the Jewish vote going to Trump, one needs to ask himself, if there are "spirits that have been cited and now the commands are ignored?"
A pretty lame excuse from Trump so far, that he disavows the alt-right and racism, hasn't calmed the sceptics yet. If he wants to create the unity he wishes for, he really needs to address this problem and shield himself from even being associated with that pattern of thinking.
And if you thought, you recognized the "spirits" quote, yes it's borrowed from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's poem "Der Zauberlehrling" (sorcerer's apprentice, made famous in the US, by Walt Disney's "Fantasia."
Rise like towers
There beside me. Help me, help, eternal powers!
Off they run, till wet and wetter
Hall and steps immersed are Iying.
What a flood that naught can fetter!
Lord and master, hear me crying! -
Ah, he comes excited.
Sir, my need is sore.
Spirits that I've cited
My commands ignore.
In Goethe's "Zauberlehrling" (as well as in the Fantasia adaption) there is at least hope. Hope that the "wizard" comes back and puts the brooms into the corner. Who's gonna be the American sorcerer, stopping the racist alt-right with its myrmidons. Is it gonna be Trump himself, will the electoral college deny Trump the "coronation" on December 19th, or will he be impeached while in office and Mike Pence made president? "On y vera."
"To the lo
Corner, broom!
Hear your doom.
As a spirit
When he wills, your master only
Calls you, then 'tis time to hear it
And to quote another German poet - Wolfgang Borchert from "Draussen Vor Der Tür"
"Verantwortung ist doch nicht nur ein Wort, eine chemische Formel, nach der helles Menschenfleisch in dunkle Erde verwandelt wird. Man kann doch Menschen nicht für ein leeres Wort sterben lassen. Irgendwo müssen wir doch hin mit unserer Verantwortung. Die Toten – antworten nicht. Gott – antwortet nicht. Aber die Lebenden, die fragen.“
"Responsibility is not just a word, a chemical formula, which transforms warm human flesh into dark soil. One can not let men die for an empty word. We need to tackle our responsibilities somewhere. The dead - they don't answer. God - doesn't answer. But the living, they are asking."
Sources: The Atlantic, Southern Poverty Law Center, Forbes, Alexa, Goethe, Borchert
Well it's not just Spencer, it's the whole alt-right scene who thinks that with the move-in by Breitbart Steve Bannon into a bedroom in the White House - so he can cosy up to the new "leader" of the free world - they all got a free pass to "party like it's 1933" (Spencer's words).
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) - a monitoring group of anti-equality extremists - activities on right wing internet platforms have drastically increased. After being presumed dead some months ago, Stormfront is back and kicking it up again, even though they are not the leading Neo-Nazi platform anymore. That now goes to Andrew Anglin's "Daily Stormer" and to some intent the more subtle "Breitbart." At least "Breitbart" doesn't deny the Holocaust, being the most moderate of the right-wing fascist internet platforms, still anti-semitic, anti-gender equality and anti-diversity. The three screen shots below show the rise of the sites mentioned this past year.
Trump's campaign was brilliantly run in the background by his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner (his wife Ivanka converted to Judaism.) by micro-targeting potential voter groups in the swing state via Social Media. To create a populist movement is one thing, but to open Pandora's box of hatred and racism a whole other world. (A must read is Steven Bertoni's article in Forbes magazine "How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House.") With other prominent Jewish people like Jeff Ballabon and roughly 30 percent of the Jewish vote going to Trump, one needs to ask himself, if there are "spirits that have been cited and now the commands are ignored?"
A pretty lame excuse from Trump so far, that he disavows the alt-right and racism, hasn't calmed the sceptics yet. If he wants to create the unity he wishes for, he really needs to address this problem and shield himself from even being associated with that pattern of thinking.
And if you thought, you recognized the "spirits" quote, yes it's borrowed from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's poem "Der Zauberlehrling" (sorcerer's apprentice, made famous in the US, by Walt Disney's "Fantasia."
Rise like towers
There beside me. Help me, help, eternal powers!
Off they run, till wet and wetter
Hall and steps immersed are Iying.
What a flood that naught can fetter!
Lord and master, hear me crying! -
Ah, he comes excited.
Sir, my need is sore.
Spirits that I've cited
My commands ignore.
In Goethe's "Zauberlehrling" (as well as in the Fantasia adaption) there is at least hope. Hope that the "wizard" comes back and puts the brooms into the corner. Who's gonna be the American sorcerer, stopping the racist alt-right with its myrmidons. Is it gonna be Trump himself, will the electoral college deny Trump the "coronation" on December 19th, or will he be impeached while in office and Mike Pence made president? "On y vera."
"To the lo
Corner, broom!
Hear your doom.
As a spirit
When he wills, your master only
Calls you, then 'tis time to hear it
And to quote another German poet - Wolfgang Borchert from "Draussen Vor Der Tür"
"Verantwortung ist doch nicht nur ein Wort, eine chemische Formel, nach der helles Menschenfleisch in dunkle Erde verwandelt wird. Man kann doch Menschen nicht für ein leeres Wort sterben lassen. Irgendwo müssen wir doch hin mit unserer Verantwortung. Die Toten – antworten nicht. Gott – antwortet nicht. Aber die Lebenden, die fragen.“
"Responsibility is not just a word, a chemical formula, which transforms warm human flesh into dark soil. One can not let men die for an empty word. We need to tackle our responsibilities somewhere. The dead - they don't answer. God - doesn't answer. But the living, they are asking."
Sources: The Atlantic, Southern Poverty Law Center, Forbes, Alexa, Goethe, Borchert
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